Best of AP — Honorable Mention

Smart, resourceful effort yields scoop on crew of stricken tanker

Dubai staffers Jon Gambrell, Gulf and Iran news director, and Fay Abuelgasim, videojournalist, for using their years of experie in Dubai to get around restrictions to send exclusive video, photos and text as the crew of an oil tanker that had been attacked in the Gulf of Oman arrived in the city-state. Advised by correspondent Nasser Karimi that there was only one flight the crew could take from Iran, Gambrell and Abuelgasim rushed to Dubai International Airport, leaving their gear in the car to avoid the attention of authorities. When the sailors arrived the pair sprang into action, shooting photos and video with their iPhones as the crew left the airport. As Gambrell drove back to the bureau, Abuelgasim edited her footage, sent the video using her mobile phone as a hot spot and scripted the entire package before the 15-minute drive was over. The exclusive video was eagerly received by clients.

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