Best of AP — Honorable Mention

AP analysis: Slower vaccine rollouts more successful in US


Health and science teammates, New York data journalist Nicky Forster and Seattle reporter Carla K. Johnson, collaborated with Surgo Ventures, a health care information organization, to tell the story of how U.S, states that opened up vaccines to more people actually fared worse in the rollout than those that took a more methodical approach.

The first-of-its-kind data analysis by AP gauged the success of all states in the vaccine rollout — comparing states by their varying degrees of aggressiveness. Surprisingly, the team found states that were most aggressive actually vaccinated a smaller share of their population than those that took a go-it-slow approach.

The story also quoted real people about their struggles in getting shots. The result was a hit among customers, including front page play in the Chicago Tribune, the Atlanta Journal Constitution and Orlando Sentinel.

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Motorists line up to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, Feb. 10, 2021. – AP Photo / Damian Dovarganes
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