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AP survey reveals AI’s impact on newsrooms

This week, AP released a new report revealing that generative AI has already reshaped newsroom workflows and structure.

It provides a look into how the news industry grappled with the initial promises and challenges of generative AI at the end of 2023.

Nearly 300 journalists and newsroom leaders were surveyed. Seventy percent of respondents indicated their organization had used generative AI in some capacity.

The findings also present a need for additional strategies to navigate generative AI in the newsroom responsibly and ethically.

Key takeaways include:

  • Applications in news production: Respondents are focusing on using generative AI to improve existing workflows and make them more efficient. Respondents were less interested in using the technology to explore and innovate.
  • Changing work structure and organization: Almost half of respondents indicated that tasks or workflows have already changed because of generative AI, yet there is a need for training initiatives and for more detailed evaluations to measure actual shifts in productivity.
  • Ethical concerns and responsibility: Respondents thought editors, managers and executives, rather than technologists, should be more responsible for ensuring effective and ethical uses of generative AI.
  • Strategies for responsible use: There is a call for clearer, more concrete guidelines, training and enforcement to navigate the ethical landscape effectively.

The full report is available for download at

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