Access over 2 million stories
Our collection of news videos dating back to 1895, sourced from AP’s own coverage and our premium content partners
Unrivaled collection
2 million stories covering over 100 years of news, entertainment, lifestyle, politics and sports
Broadcast-quality video
AP Archive’s collection includes fully digitized compilations in broadcast quality and HD
Daily footage updates
Hours of new footage is added daily from AP’s global newsgathering network

Extensive footage
We have footage on topics ranging from hard news, politics, and natural disasters to entertainment, red-carpet arrivals, and lifestyle. This includes footage that’s exclusive to AP with our restoration projects ensuring you have access to rare and previously unseen video.

Iconic collections
Our collection includes British Movietone’s newsreel — arguably the world’s greatest newsreel archive. British Movietone was the first newsreel to feature sound, the first to use color film, and the first to break many of the big news stories that shaped our history. Spanning 1895 — 1986, the collection includes over 2,200 hours of fully-digitized footage and is rich in coverage of news events, celebrities, sports, music, social history, science and lifestyle.

Current news and events
In addition to historic news stories, we also cover recent news and current events. Up to five hours of recently filmed footage is added daily from AP’s global newsgathering network giving you access to ongoing news stories from around the world.

Flexible access
Find the solution that’s right for you, and upgrade your AP Newsroom account to access our full archival content set, including non-digitized video and partner collections.

Get in touch
Contact us for more information or research assistance