Election services

Discover AP election services and how our data, interactive graphics and news coverage help your organization tell the story of politics and elections in the United States.


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Telling the election story since 1848

AP’s election services empowers you to navigate the story of U.S. elections with confidence, enhances your decision making and provided the insight and intelligence required to make sense of all that takes place on Election Day.



News coverage

AP is the only news organization with reporters based in every U.S. state capitol, and they partner with a national politics team and our Washington bureau to deliver breaking news, enterprise reporting and insightful analysis that can’t be found anywhere else. We tell the story of U.S. elections in all media formats: text, photo, produced and live video, plus our suite of election data and interactive graphics.

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Live and location services

AP’s live and location services provide live video from key locations throughout the election season – from voting locations to campaign rallies to election night parties. Pair our live video with the turnkey infrastructure AP provides, allowing your team to report from these essential locations with ease of access and ease of effort.

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AP Vote Count

AP Vote Count is the heart of our election data service, offering real-time vote tallies in races from the White House to the state house. From the moment polls close to the final certification of official results, the AP Vote Count is the definitive source for election results in the United States.

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AP VoteCast

AP VoteCast is election research that provides in-depth insight into voter sentiment. It’s a survey of the American electorate that reveals what voters were thinking at the moment they decided to cast a ballot – information you can use to understand the why of Election Day.

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