Press Releases

Plans for funeral of Anja Niedringhaus in Germany


The funeral of Associated Press photojournalist Anja Niedringhaus will take place on Saturday, April 12, at Corvey Abbey, a Benedictine monastery near her birthplace in Hoxter, Germany.

Anja Niedringhaus

Niedringhaus was killed by an Afghan policeman in an attack on April 4, which seriously wounded veteran AP correspondent Kathy Gannon.  Gannon is undergoing treatment at Krankenhaus Nordwest, a medical facility in Frankfurt, Germany, and remains in stable condition.
The service is scheduled to begin at 12 noon local time in Germany (6 a.m. ET / 1000 GMT).

President and CEO Gary Pruitt, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll and Vice President and Director of Photography Santiago Lyon are among those attending from the AP. Carroll and Lyon are scheduled to offer remarks.
A livestream of the service will be available on starting at 5 a.m. ET / 0900 GMT. At the request of Niedringhaus’ family, AP will cover and distribute both video and photos for pool, with no restriction. Satellite coordinates and contact information have been made available to AP customers in a media advisory.
It is the wish of Niedringhaus’ family that other working media representatives refrain from gathering news inside the church or outside on the church grounds.


Paul Colford
Director of Media Relations
The Associated Press
[email protected]

Erin Madigan White
Senior Media Relations Manager
The Associated Press
[email protected]

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